Last week my friend Hershel Phibes popped up here to perform some mind-mooning. He is the third born of a third child of another third born who were all born on the third day of the third month in a garden shed during a full-moon, and he can make his bath water move into the kitchen and back again by walking around a tennis ball.
To prepare for a mind-moon, Mr Phibes must eat a gingerbread man and a car battery, followed by a bottle of Jack Daniels. He then becomes attuned to the moon's vibration which enables him to bring forth messages that it sends.
The messages are varied and wide ranging, on this occasion an image appeared accompanied by a voice "Robert is satisfied with his trousers." We don't know who Robert is but we feel glad for him.
Is he by chance a Phibe from the Derbyshire Phibes?
I think he's a Phibe from the Phibyshire Phibes as far as I know.
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