Sunday, 4 January 2009

Talk Art

Today turned out to be a cultural event with the arrival of Tard Brush, who is the Art Overlord of Bewilderment in the 7th Quadrant of Bumm. We enjoyed the pickled cheeses he'd kindly brought along, and discussed many aspects of Galactic art whilst listening to some early Roxy Music albums.

I have made a short documentary of Overlord Brush's views on "L'Escargot" by Henri Matisse, which you can see here (his 7th Quadrant cellular construction makes it difficult for an Earth camera to clearly capture his image, hence the poor film quality)..


David said...

Roxy turned to pickled cheese themselves after Eno left.

T S Munty said...

Yes, it's the sad result of loosing Eno's sound and feathers, but Bowie saw the vision.